White House Disinfected Using EMist Electrostatic Sprayers TruElectrostatic Disinfection™: High touch surfaces disinfected to ensure healthy environment To ensure the safety and health of staff and visitors and to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus that causes...
Bonafide Partners With EMist Bonafide Medical Group announced that it has partnered with EMist to provide the EPIX360, a new handheld disinfectant sprayer, as part of its Bac-Track solution. The EPIX360 is an electrostatic disinfectant sprayer. This patented system...
In an article posted on CleanLink, “Absenteeism in schools is a significant problem. In many countries, including the United States, school funding is tied to student attendance. Absenteeism (when students miss school), can put that funding at risk. “While many...
Molds are part of the natural environment, and can be found everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Molds are various types of fungi (singular = fungus) that grow in filaments and reproduce by forming spores. The term mildew is sometimes used to refer to some kinds of mold,...
Story Source: George Washington University A new study offers compelling evidence that a novel form of the dangerous superbug Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can spread to humans through consumption or handling of contaminated poultry. The research,...